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Email us your Go Links® today!Carta is a comprehensive equity management platform that simplifies cap table management, investor relations, and equity plan administration. Manually navigating between different Carta pages is challenging and time-consuming, but GoLinks provides a solution that enhances your Carta experience and enables you to work more efficiently within the platform.
Directs to the main Carta dashboard or homepage.
Links to the cap table page for managing and viewing ownership information.
Takes you to the documents page for managing legal documents and agreements.
Takes you to the equity plans page for managing employee stock options and equity grants.
Links to the help center or documentation for Carta.
Takes you to the integrations page for connecting Carta with other tools and services.
Redirects to the investments page for managing investment portfolios.
Redirects to the download page for the Carta mobile app.
Links to the reports page for generating and viewing financial reports.
Redirects to the settings page for configuring Carta account settings.