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Email us your Go Links® today!Mixpanel is a powerful analytics platform that helps businesses understand user behavior and make data-driven decisions. Instead of wasting time dealing with long and complex URLs within Mixpanel, you can work more efficiently and maximize its value by using GoLinks.
Takes you to the experiments page for designing and running A/B tests and experiments.
Redirects to the insights page for gaining actionable insights from user data.
Takes you to the integrations page for connecting Mixpanel with other tools and services.
Links to the metrics page for tracking and analyzing user data and metrics.
Redirects to the help center or documentation for Mixpanel.
Directs to the main Mixpanel dashboard or homepage.
Takes you to the download page for the Mixpanel mobile app.
Redirects to the segmentation page for creating and managing user segments.
Links to the settings page for configuring Mixpanel account preferences.
Links to the trends page for monitoring user behavior trends and patterns.